Place of birth
Date Appointed
Appointed since 2013
- Born 1944, British
- University education at New College, Oxford and Harvard Law School
- Called to the Bar of England and Wales, 1970
- Barrister at 3 Essex Court (now 20 Essex Street) practising principally in commercial law, including shipping, insurance, banking, private and public international law, and arbitration law, 1970-1993
- Appointed Queen’s Counsel, 1981
- Chairman of COMBAR, 1992-1993
- Judge, High Court of England and Wales 1993-2000, sitting predominantly in the Commercial Court (Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court 1998-1999)
- Lord Justice of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales, 2000-2013
- Treasurer of the Hon Society of the Inner Temple, 2005
- Professor of International Commercial Law, Queen Mary, University of London 2013 –
- Appointed Justice of the Court of Appeal, Cayman Islands, 2013
- Arbitrator, International Commercial Arbitration, practice primarily in London, but also in Hong Kong and Singapore
- Trustee of BIICL (British Institute of International and Comparative Law), 2003-2012
- Chairman, Advisory Council, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, QMUL, 2003-
- Honorary Fellow of New College, Oxford
- Honorary Fellow of Queen Mary, University of London
- President of BILA (British Insurance Law Association), 2007
- President of the Harvard Law School Association of the UK, 2002-
- Director, London Philharmonic Orchestra, 1986-2014
- Visiting Jones Day Professor of Commercial Law, Singapore Management University, 2015