
  • The Committee on Family Law Practice

    Chaired by a Judge of the Grand Court, the Committee on Family Law Practice serves to make recommendations and formulate rules aimed at giving better effect to the Children Law. Draft rules developed by the committee in 2012 and 2013 were approved by the Grand Court Rules Committee for promulgation.

  • The FSD Users’ Committee meets regularly (between 2 and 4 times per year) with a Judge of the FSD as convener. The aim of this committee is to improve on a continuing basis the practice and procedures in the FSD division. As part of that role, the committee publishes an FSD Users’ Guide (which is amended from time to time) and works collaboratively on new developments such as the introduction of a system of e-filing.

    This work of the FSD Users’ Committee, in its quest to meet the special problems and continually changing needs of financial and commercial business, depends in part on a steady flow of information and constructive suggestions between the Judges and Registrar of the FSD, and potential litigants and professional advisers.

    A number of professional associations are closely allied with the business of the FSD and they play an important part in helping to ensure that the FSD remains responsive to its overriding objective and the needs of business. These associations and other relevant interests include: Alternative Investment Management Association Cayman (AIMA Cayman), the Attorney General’s Chambers, Cayman Islands Bankers’ Association, Cayman Finance, Cayman Islands Company Managers Association, Cayman Islands Directors Association, Cayman Islands Fund Administrators Association (CIFAA), Cayman Islands Law Society, Cayman Islands Society of Professional Accountants (CISPA), Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA), Caymanian Bar Association, Insurance Managers of Cayman (IMAC), Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners (STEP).

    All concerned with the FSD are encouraged to make the fullest use of the important channel of communication that the FSD Users’ Committee represents. Correspondence raising matters for the consideration of the Committee should be addressed to the FSD Registrar, Ms. Bridget Myers, Third Floor, Kirk House,

  • The Judicial Education Committee (JEC), responsible for establishing a more formal framework for the training and continuing education of judges and magistrates was established in early 2016 by the Chief Justice. The broad function of the JEC is to promote excellence, efficiency and professionalism in the administration of justice for the people of the Cayman Islands.
    Establishing the JEC meets a long recognized need for continued training, education and development for the Cayman Islands Judiciary and is part of an aim to create a learning environment that embraces formal local and overseas opportunities for development as well as more practical, on-the-job training.
    A specific area of responsibility will be to support the Court Administrator in identifying continuing education and training needs among administrative staff. Where appropriate and possible, delivery of this training will involve the judiciary.
    The JEC will take primary responsibility for the Judicial Administration’s Annual Guest Lecture Series and for the development of a programme through which judges and magistrates will provide oversight and guidance to trainee lawyers. This is to be structured as a formal part of their Articles (the final stage of training leading to qualification to practise).

  • The Grand Court Rules Committee
    This Rules Committee is established by section 19 of the Grand Court Law. Broadly speaking, this Committee has responsibility for making rules relating to practice and procedure in the Grand Court and in the Summary Court. The Committee comprises the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General and two attorneys appointed by the Chief Justice after consultation with the Cayman Islands Law Society.

    Other Rules Committees
    Section 34 of the Court of Appeal Law establishes the Rules Committee of the Court of Appeal, while section 154 of the Companies Law establishes the Insolvency Rules Committee.
    Under the Companies Law the Chief Justice or a Judge designated by him is the chair of the Insolvency Rules Committee. Accordingly, an FSD judge has been nominated to chair this committee. This committee’s remit, set by section 155 of the Companies Law, is to prescribe and revise as necessary the rules for the regulation of insolvency practice before the Courts.

    These Committees meet regularly to consider proposed amendments to the rules of court and any other matters that are incidental to the conduct of the business of the courts.

  • Chaired by the Chief Magistrate, this group brings together representatives of all affected by the business of the summary court with a view to stimulating improvements in efficiency and best practice. It meets 3 or 4 times each year.