Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Legal Profession by Sir Geoffrey Vos

The Distinguished Guest Lecture in 2024 was delivered by the Rt. Hon. Sir Geoffrey Vos, Master of the Rolls. The lecture addresses the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the legal profession. Sir Geoffrey explores AI’s potential to enhance judicial efficiency and access to justice, while emphasising the importance of responsible implementation. Sir Geoffrey’s theme is consistent with the judiciary’s commitment to embracing technology to enhance service delivery, while maintaining public trust and confidence in the justice system.

Originally scheduled for 2 July 2024, public delivery of the lecture was postponed due to Hurricane Beryl. However, Sir Geoffery’s lecture was recorded before an invited audience for later broadcast. The broadcast took place at the Camana Bay cinema on 12 November 2024, when it was followed by a panel discussion involving the Rt. Hon. Sir John Goldring, President of the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal, the Hon. Justice Asif, KC, and Mr Haymond Rankin, which was not recorded.

The Distinguished Guest Lecture series provides a platform to examine critical legal issues and reforms. It is hosted by the Chief Justice and Judges of the Cayman Islands.

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