Customer Complaint Procedure
The Law Courts strive to meet the needs of our customers, but we recognize that there maybe some occasions when the actions or comments of staff will not meet your expectations. The below listed Complaints Policy was formulated to allow us an opportunity to ensure the expectations of our customers are met.
What is a Complaint?
You make a complaint when you are not happy with the standard of service, lack of service or form of service you have received from us. Any expression of dissatisfaction will be considered a complaint. Complaints can be made by an individual client or group of clients.
Please remember that allegations of errors by a Judicial Officer in the conduct of legal proceedings can only be determined by a court of law usually through an appeal to a higher court. There are time limits for the filing of appeals. You may wish to seek legal advice to determine whether appealing the decision in your case is appropriate. Court staff cannot provide legal advice.
How to Submit a Complaint
You may submit your complaint in person or by post. Mail complaints should be addressed to:
The Court Administrator
The Law Courts
P.O. Box 495
Grand Cayman, KY1-1106
When submitting a complaint, please try to provide as much detail as possible, for example:
- The service, policy, person, or aspect of The Law Courts you are complaining about.
- The date, time and location where the incident took place.
- Details of information/misinformation received from staff.
- And any other information you feel would help us better or clearly investigate your concerns.
You must provide your name, address and contact details (email is particularly helpful as a means of speedy communication). We do not accept anonymous complaints.
How Your Complaint Will be Handled
We will try to resolve your complaint as soon as we receive it, but if it cannot be resolved immediately we will write to you to acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of receiving it.
We will investigate your complaint and we will endeavor to provide a formal response within 25 working days. If the complaint is complex and we cannot meet this deadline, we will send you progress reports.
If your complaint is found to be justified, a formal apology will be issued to you. Any formal action taken will be documented in writing; however will remain as confidential information on the affected employee’s file.