Hon. Sir Richard Field KC
Judge of Appeal
Place of birth: British
Nationality: British
Appointed since 2015
- University education at Bristol University (LL.B) and at the London School of Economics (LL.M)
- Called to the Bar of England and Wales, 1977
- Barrister at 11 King’s Bench Walk, London and One Essex Court, London practising principally in commercial law including banking derivatives, insurance, international sales, competition law and auditors’ negligence, 1977-2001
- Appointed Queen’s Counsel,1987
- Deputy Judge, High Court of England and Wales, 1998 – 2002;
- Judge, High Court of England and Wales (sitting in the Commercial Court), 2002-2014;
- Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court, 2014;
- Presiding Judge, Western Circuit, 2008 – 2012;
- Justice of the DIFC Court (Dubai), April 2015;
- Deputy Judge, Hong Kong High Court, April 2015;
- Bencher, Honour Society of the Inner Temple;
- Associate Professor, University of British Columbia and Faculty of Law, McGill University, Montreal, 1969 – 1971 and 1973 – 1977;
- Lecturer in law, Hong Kong University, 1971 – 1973;
- Tung Yu Cheng Visiting Professor, Hong Kong University, 2014 – 2015;
- Arbitrator, International Commercial Arbitration in London, Hong Kong and Singapore;
- Appointed Justice of the Court of Appeal, Cayman Islands, 2015