Updates and Changes Following Transition to Newly Designed Judicial Website

Ms. Christina McTaggart, Acting Court Administrator

Following the relaunch of the Cayman Islands Law Courts official website, www.judicial.ky on 1 October 2024, below are key updates and changes you should be aware of as we transition to the new platform.

Unreported and Reported Cayman Islands Judgments

The new website will continue to provide access to both unreported and reported judgments via a collaboration with vLex, a trusted provider of legal resources. vLex is providing a free 30-day trial for new and existing subscribers, whereby local practitioners and members of the public can access all vLex products. During the trial period, court users will have access to select vLex products, including the Cayman Islands Law Reports. This trial period is an interim solution which will provide the Law Courts time to finalize long-term solutions that will better serve the legal community. See further instructions for user account access below.

Public Registers and Court Searches

Court users will still have the ability to perform court searches directly through the website, however, this section of the website is still under development and as such, will entail a partially manual process. Users will be able to search using key words, however the underlying .pdf documents are not yet available for viewing or download online. In the interim, users are required to request .pdf documents by emailing the Civil Registry at civilregistry@judicial.ky. Users will then receive payment instructions and once payment has been processed, the documents will be emailed in response to the request.

Cause Lists

The redesigned platform will feature an improved section for Cause Lists (entitled ‘Hearing Lists’ at the top right corner of the new website), allowing court users to view up-to-date listings of court hearings and proceedings.

Future Plans / Permanent Solutions

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance your experience, we are actively working towards a permanent solution for restoring the index page of the Cayman Islands Law Reports, ensuring ease of search for legal documents and case law and restoring the subscription portal where users can download documents without having to request them via email, amongst other things. The Courts are working towards having full functionality restored on the website within a 30-day period, or less.


Steps for Existing Subscribers

  • Navigate to the Services tab on our website
  • Select Cayman Islands Law Reports
  • On the service page, click the vLex Login button
  • Enter your email address
  • Select “Forgot my password”
  • Check email for link to reset your password

Steps for New Subscribers

  • Go to the Services tab
  • Click on Cayman Islands Law Reports
  • On the service page, select Request Access
  • Complete the form to join the queue for access
  • Check email for confirmation/verification of access


  • Follow these simple steps to access the Public Registry through our website:
  • Navigate to the Court Search button on our homepage
  • Enter your search criteria or sort by available options
  • To request additional copies of materials, please email our registry helpdesk with the relevant file numbers
  • Payments can be made by selecting the Pay Online button on our homepage or by clicking Make a Payment under the Services tab

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to enhance the services offered through the Cayman Islands Law Courts website.

For further assistance, please see contact details below:

Civil Registry Help Desk
Tel: (345) 244-3842
Email: civilregistry@judicial.ky

Communications/Public Relations
Tel: (345) 325-6927
Email: communications@judicial.ky

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