Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty

  • Copy of Treaty

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  • The Grand Court of the Cayman Islands will receive and grant letters of request from the Courts of other countries for information or testimony in aid of proceedings before those Courts and provided that foreign Court would reciprocate in similar circumstances.

    This jurisdiction is exercised either by virtue of the inherent powers of the Grand Court in recognition of its obligation of amity owed to foreign Courts or, as the case might be, pursuant to the Convention in the Taking of Evidence abroad in Civil or Commercial matters, done at the Hague on 18th March 1970. The Hague convention has been extended by the United Kingdom (a ratifying State) to the Cayman Islands and given legislative force in the Islands by the extension by Order-in Council of the Evidence (Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions) Act 1975 to the Islands.

    Requests for judicial assistance are sent through the diplomatic channels.

    There have been many requests from the Courts of many different countries, in respect of which assistance has been given.

    There is also a significant body of local case law developed on the subject of international assistance generally and reported in the Cayman Islands Law Reports.